We contend that by any reasonable standard, HuffPost's perpetual enabling and protection of user "kevenseven" goes so far outside the pale of responsible website conduct, that it's almost inconceivable.
And yet, the proof contained herein (and available upon request) demonstrates the fact that everything you are about to read happened as described --- specifically:
- "kevenseven" (et al) is one of HuffPost's longest-term, most-egregious comment policy violators, having become a user in 2005. Despite this fact, HuffPost allowed and protected him to post 28,275* "comments" on its news threads from September 2007 through October 19, 2009 alone --- see screen capture below. (*Actually, as is documented in Section 8 and Addendum 1, HuffPost has allowed him to post far more comments than this - at least another 22,000.)
- HuffPost repeatedly "banned" "kevenseven," presumably for his pathological, escalating violations of its Comment Policy and Terms of Service & User Agreement (more here), and possibly federal law. Most of "kevenseven's violations have consisted of his vicious, often vulgar assaults on other users; his threats against their children; his racial and ethnic slurs, etc. Specifically regarding the HuffPost's TOS-UA, Part 3, clause (iii) states that by accepting these TOS, the user agrees that he/she will not:
"...submit material that is unlawful... threatening... offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense... violate any law, or is otherwise inappropriate"
- In all cases, however, HuffPost fully reinstated "kevenseven" soon after "banning" him. As you will see, this stands in stark contrast to the vast majority of other users whom it has banned --- and who stay banned. And as is shown in this article, judging from his comments, HuffPost caused him to feel vindicated, emboldened and protected --- so much so that on repeated occasions he urged HuffPost to remove the comments of/ban other, non-violating users, a request it would often fulfill --- to his and his friends' express delight.
- Starting in December 2007 and extending well into the spring of 2008, "kevenseven" posted comments containing threats and urgings of violence against protectees of the U.S. Secret Service, primarily President Bush and Nancy Reagan.
- Starting on April 14, 2008, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" repeated admissions of, and gloating over the fact that the U.S. Secret Service interviewed him in his home for his threatening statements against its protectees on the site.
- HuffPost even reviewed, approved and published his "comments" identifying the Secret Service agents who interviewed him, by name, then ridiculing and insulting them on a personal basis.
- HuffPost has continued to review, approve and publish "kevenseven's" admissions/boasts of his interactions with the Secret Service, as well as his continuing urgings for violence to be perpetrated against its protectees, and his vicious, often vulgar attacks on other users.
The following should also be noted, before you begin reviewing this article:
- All of the incidents in this article occurred on HuffPost's top news threads, which it monitors vigilantly. This is evidenced by the fact that HuffPost often quickly removes the comments from and/or bans non-violating users about whom the resident "gang" of radical leftists that it protects and enables complain --- some, after as few as six comments (here).
- As is documented in Section (4) here, in October 2007 HuffPost began pre-moderating user comments on its news threads, in some fashion --- meaning that submitted comments first went into "pending," awaiting review by HuffPost before being published.
- As is documented in Section (5) here, on March 1, 2008, HuffPost began fully pre-moderating user comments on all its news threads. This means that all submitted comments first went into "pending," and only those that had been reviewed and approved by HuffPost would appear on its news threads. This is further confirmed in Section (7) here.
The significance of all the above is that as is documented herein, despite its claims that it has had no idea what goes on on its news threads, and only removes objectionable comments once it becomes aware of them, HuffPost has clearly known the details about "kevenseven" for a very long time, yet it has continued to enable, embolden and protect him.
We also know for a fact that HuffPost has been notified on numerous occasions, via its "flagging" system and email, of "kevenseven's" outrageous activities on its site. Yet as is documented herein, it still permits him to post comments, at will, as of October 2009.
(1) Background: Examples of "kevenseven's" pathological, vulgar attacks on and threats against other users, and his gloating over HuffPost's removing of their posts, at his request
(2) Examples of "kevenseven's" claims of influence over a U.S. Congressman and his staff
(3) Examples of "kevenseven's" suggestive urgings of political violence in general
(4) Examples of "kevenseven's" explicit urgings for threats against, murder of protectees of the U.S. Secret Service
(5) Starting on April 14, 2008, and continuing through July 2008, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" admissions --- and boasts --- that the U.S. Secret Service interviewed him in his home re his threatening statements on HuffPost
(6) May 25, 2008: HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" explicit racism --- but instead of banning him, it removed the comments from a user who called him out on it
(7) On September 29, 2008, HuffPost (again) "banned" "kevenseven" --- but fully reinstated him three days later, to his "friends'" express delight. How did this happen? Via a "friend" with influence over HuffPost
(8) December 2, 2008: HuffPost banned "kevenseven" again, but fully reinstated him two days later --- yet it removed five months of his comments
(1) Background: Examples of "kevenseven's" pathological, vulgar attacks on and threats against other users, and his gloating over HuffPost's removing of their posts, at his request
Since late 2007, "kevenseven" has been a 50-150+ comment-a-day poster, often essentially "living" on HuffPost. He is well known for violating HuffPost's policies with abandon, particularly regarding his vulgarity, his pathological attacks on other users, and even his urgings for violence against non-leftist protectees of the U.S. Secret Service.
In an apparently fleeting moment of lucidity, in November 2007, HuffPost banned "kevenseven" --- but as has happened about 15 times since, it quickly and fully reinstated him.

On a news thread entitled Fox News Loves The Hillary Hostage Situation, Turns It Into A Car Chase, "kevenseven" explained to a "friend" who welcomed him back that "Dave," in HuffPost management, agreed to restore him to posting status. (The following is from the PDF of "kevenseven's" comment archive at the time, right):
Thank you!A few days later, "kevenseven" commented on the fact that while HuffPost allowed his comments to remain posted, it was removing ("scrubbing") "PAJeff's" in real-time:
Dave relented! I apparently called pajeff a flaming fucking used tampon of an asshole too clearly for the moderator. [...]
Me, I say let's humiliate the idiot until he cries for his mommy.
posted 11/30/2007 at 22:32:57

jeff's getting scrubbed. How many times do you think that is?
posted 12/02/2007 at 00:11:19
Not one moment too soon. He is a used tampon of an idiot. About as welcome as 200 pounds of fresh gorilla shit.
posted 12/02/2007 at 00:18:00
As if this weren't enough, here's an allusion to "PAJeff" committing incest with his mother -
jeff, don't disappoint your momma. And pop a boner pill on your way home, she sounds a little desperate.
posted 12/02/2007 at 00:19:59
Which user do you think HuffPost chose to ban? It banned "PAJeff," but allowed "kevenseven" to continue.
(Ironically, it was only two days after this --- on December 4, 2007 --- that HuffPost allowed "kevenseven" to start posting comments that ultimately resulted in him getting an in-home interview with the U.S. Secret Service for his activities on HuffPost, which it then allowed him to brag about, starting in April 2008.)
A few minutes later, on the same "news" thread, "kevenseven" theorized on the value of obsessive "commenters" like him to HuffPost's revenues:
But the truth is that they, and we, generate the revenue for this enterprise.
A few days ago, someone posted an assertion that Huffpo is #5 in political blogs.
So, when do I see my check?
posted 11/30/2007 at 22:54:27

Continuing, as "kevenseven" resumed his vicious, vulgar attacks other users, he gloated over the fact that per his request ("flagging"), HuffPost was removing the comments from, then banned another user whom he just doesn't like, and complained about. The following comments are sourced from his comment archive and elsewhere; available upon request:
And you, a Bush buttlicker, are proud of the fact that Bagdad is a nightmare of chaos and corruption? You republicans must be very proud.
posted 12/01/2007 at 21:50:23
And you have been kind enough to share with us so much of the false info on the web, we all owe you a heartfelt thank you.
But instead I think we will all suggest you go f@@k yourself.
posted 12/02/2007 at 00:26:43
Neo, neo, neo, you drunken whore. Who do you think you are fooling?
posted 12/04/2007 at 21:59:03
Neo, neo, neo. You drunken whore. You're not fooling anyone.
Your feces smear is absolutely unique. We can spot you within five posts, if you're lucky.
posted 12/04/2007 at 22:17:32
I'm just flagging you on sight.
posted 12/04/2007 at 23:31:53
I'm just flagging you because you are a cretin.
posted 12/04/2007 at 23:44:45
Racists like you can eat my shit.
posted 12/05/2007 at 00:10:16

Following is (1) "kevenseven's" Christmas night greeting to another HuffPost user, (2) an explicitly homophobic attack on another, then (3) an openly-racist one (retrieved from comment archives and thread PDFs, available upon request):
(1) Yes. Die. Fuck you. Die.
Lying fascist.
I am a businessman with a family, pushing 50, paying a mortgage, and my mother died last year.
Murtha said that the surge has failed to deliver political conciliation in Iraq.
Fuck you.
posted 12/25/2007 at 23:27:05
(2) Q-tip, I've written this before, and I am sure I will have the opportunity to write it again: you NEVER have anything positive to post. You are a dried up bitter old faggot, and I expect you are universally detested here.
Oh, flagged.
posted 02/02/2008 at 19:27:50
(3) kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)
How's your slam dunk? Any special new feeling about watermelon or fried chicken? I've been thinking about fried chicken ever since 10am, when I voted for Obama. Gotta go pick me up some white girls. Then I'm gonna stick it to the man.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 08:40 pm on 02/05/2008

As noted in Addendum 1, on those occasions when HuffPost "banned" "kevenseven," but before it reinstated him, it permitted him to register and use alternative screen names --- one of which he openly admits is "kevinhussienseven." So what thoughtful, policy-compliant commentary did he post under it? The following is but one example.
On March 16, 2008 HuffPost's top news thread, entitled Pelosi's Delegate Stance Boost Obama, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published the following racist attack by "kevenseven" against another user, "AnninCa," who dared to voice a political opinion with which he disagreed:
AnninCA See Profile I'm a Fan of AnninCA
Mostly, her stance decreases her credibility.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 09:12 PM on 03/16/2008
kevenhussienseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenhussienseven"Kevenseven" apparently felt so enabled and protected by HuffPost on the evening of March 16, 2008, that when another user voiced outrage at his maniacal behavior, it reviewed, approved and published his claim that he "owns" the site, and is empowered to tell other users whether they are welcome, or not (click to enlarge, and read):
We know what you would have preferred:
"Obama is a Muslim Nigger who should not be president."
That is what you want. You fascist asshole.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 09:45 PM on 03/16/2008

You get the idea. But there's actually far more. In regards to another user, "Neo," whom HuffPost had permitted "kevenseven" and his "friends" had obsessively attack for the prior year, he (and several others) took it way beyond mere verbal attacks --- and into implicit threats against her children.
On January 14, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was entitled: Obama And Clinton Go Toe-To-Toe On Iraq. It was on this thread that HuffPost permitted "kevenseven" to post the following "comment":
Neo! Have you noticed any strange clicking or buzzing on your phone line? Probably not, they have much better technology these days, even the Detectives of the Child Protective Services.
Have you taken those photos of the kids as I recommended?
Because the last day that you see them is close to hand.
The Detectives of the Child Protective Services have just about wrapped up the case.
posted 01/14/2008 at 00:07:55

Then on January 16, 2008, HuffPost's top "news" thread was entitled Romney Wins Michigan. Again, HuffPost allowed "kevenseven" to post the following --- the template for a comment that he used over and over in coming months:
kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)And this is the way it had been since 2005, when "kevenseven" started off under his original HuffPost screen name*, and continuing through his multiple "bannings," right up to the present day.
Neo. Look out the window. Across the street. Didn't those people go on vacation? Why are the curtains moving around? Is that a light that just went on and off real fast?
Those are the crack Detectives of the Child Protective Services. They tell me that they have just about all they need.
I hope you have LOTS of recent photos of the kids.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 12:59 am on 01/16/2008
[*Withheld for now. See next section, in which he goes on and on about a Congressman whom he alleges he has great influence over. "Kevenseven's" original screen name, "KevinofXXXXXXX," would enable anyone to easily determine the identity of this Congressman.]
(2) Examples of "kevenseven's" claims of influence over a U.S. Congressman and his staff
(2) Examples of "kevenseven's" claims of influence over a U.S. Congressman and his staff
We contend that the following is further indication that HuffPost knew, or should have known that it had a potentially very serious problem on its hands, when a maniacal user like "kevenseven" began repeatedly claiming to have contact with, and serious influence over a Congressman and his staff. The following is from PDFs of "kevenseven's" comment archive, available upon request:
Two congressmen serve my town, and both of them know my name and their offices return my messages.
There is no reason that this should not be true of you, all of you.
If your congressman does not know who you are and what your issues are you are not trying.
Nobody said being a citizen was easy.
posted 12/01/2007 at 23:09:00
And yes, when next I see [CONGRESSMAN'S NAME], which will be in the next 5-6 weeks, I'll press him to get things going in the house [NAME WITHHELD] committee.
posted 12/01/2007 at 22:48:46
I get my calls returned by Legislative Directors, and I have given an average of $50 per year in total to candidates. My clout comes from WORK.
posted 12/18/2007 at 23:25:11
I spent half an hour discussing with a Legislative director to an congressman on the house [NAME WITHHELD] committee working out the issues of FISA and telecom amnesty.
He was returning my call. And I have directed or given all of $50 to this congressman's PAC.
Dollars is not the only route.
If you thought being a citizen was easy, you never got that idea from me. Pull up your socks and find some fucking way to be useful.
posted 12/18/2007 at 22:38:16
Just today the Legislative Director of a congressman returned my calls and we had an informed conversation about fisa and amnesty. He gave me half an hour.
I have given his boss all of $50, in all the time that he has known me. Don't anyone tell me that money is the only way in.
I have been elected by a smallish group of citizens to speak for them, but the ticket is that we have a charter from the state democratic party. I have a title in a group that the congressman respects.
He knows my face and my name. I'd say that if your congressman does not know your face and your name then there is more that you could do.
posted 12/19/2007 at 00:58:48
I had the campaign manager of one of the house [NAME WITHHELD] committee's senior Democratic members in my living room just last night, as my group met, and she told just the opposite story. Perhaps they would not respond to you, because you are an insane asshole; I don't know.
I have a modicum of clout, due to the fact that I represent a small body of Democratic activists with a charter granted by the California Democratic Party. It takes work to achieve this much clout, but not really so much that anyone with a bit of energy could not do it.
I am at a point in two years where I get Chiefs of Staff and Legislative Directors to return my calls. And all this without having money to donate. So, as ever, you have no freaking idea what you are talking about.
posted 01/11/2008 at 15:09:29
kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)
They are not concerned with what an imbecile like you thinks. I have relationships with congressmen. The campaign manager of a congressman was in my living room last week when my group was meeting.
She passed to me the congressman's regards and thanks for my work advising him on the views of my group.
Politicians may not care about dried out shitbirds like yourself, I grant you.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 12:12 am on 01/16/2008
At this point, it's worth asking: If you owned/ran an advertiser-supported political website, which had growing political influence, would you continue enabling and protecting a "user" like "kevenseven?" If you say, "Hell NO!!!," welcome to human civilization.
If, however, you say, "Well, I don't know, he's certainly flavored... and is angry and vicious and maybe a bit delusional... but I don't think he is really that serious of a problem..." keep reading.
(3) Examples of "kevenseven's" suggestive urgings of political violence in general
(3) Examples of "kevenseven's" suggestive urgings of political violence in general
In today's incendiary political environment, and with the rash of mass-shootings in public venues, we find it shocking that HuffPost would knowingly continue to enable and protect him --- but not nearly as shocking as:
- The fact that HuffPost would allow him to post suggestive urgings of political violence --- yet continue to remove ("scrub") the comments of/ban non-violating users that he and his "friends" just didn't like, and complained about
- The fact that by not permanently banning him, immediately, this set the stage for the shocking events that are documented in Section 4, below
The following is from PDFs of "kevenseven's" comment archive, available upon request:
Pass the ammo, brother, we have a revolution to fight.
posted 12/19/2007 at 01:30:25
Pass the ammunition, brother.
And don't let these whinny little pukes get away with the bitching and moaning. Call them on their inaction.
posted 12/18/2007 at 23:40:01
The blood is on YOUR hands if your have been idle the last six months.
What have you done to forestall this?
posted 12/18/2007 at 23:33:13
Praise Jebus and pass the ammunition!
posted 12/19/2007 at 03:02:50
If they are ready to storm the castle, I may need to tolerate them for a few hours.
posted 12/19/2007 at 02:39:54
Oh, let the villagers have some fun and burn down the castle, once launched, this mob will destroy the rethugs.
posted 12/19/2007 at 02:31:00

Taken in isolation, one might still feel inclined to say, "Oh, he's just using euphemisms... he doesn't really mean any of that...."
That person would do well to place the above into the context of this entire article --- and particularly, the shocking statements made by "kevenseven" in the next section, which ended up getting him an in-home interview with the U.S. Secret Service.
More shocking still is the fact that HuffPost refused to permanently ban this maniacal user, even though by its own (little-known) admission, in October 2007 it began pre-moderating the comments on "news" threads to some degree. This fact, combined with the fact that virtually all of the preceding and following comments appeared on HuffPost's top "news" threads --- and the fact that HuffPost had banned "kevenseven" numerous times --- it is not credible to believe that it had no idea what he was doing, all over its top "news threads."
(4) Examples of "kevenseven's" explicit urgings for threats against, murder of protectees of the U.S. Secret Service
(4) Examples of "kevenseven's" explicit urgings for threats against, murder of protectees of the U.S. Secret Service
We begin this section with the most graphic, explicit comment that "kevenseven" made in this regard, that --- according to his own admission* --- ended up getting him an in-home interview with the U.S. Secret Service (*see Section 5 and beyond, herein):
On December 4, 2007, HuffPost posted a news thread entitled:
Aides Give President Bush A Makeover For 2008
As an original response to the topic of the thread (not in reply to another user's comment), "kevenseven" posted:
kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)
The first step is to cut of his freaking head.
Reply | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 12:55 am on 12/04/2007NOTE: Amazingly (or not), the above screen capture was obtained on June 13, 2009. Despite the fact that HuffPost has known about this for more than a year, it never removed "kevenseven's" urging for the murder of President Bush, even though as shown in Section 5, HuffPost repeatedly approved and published his links to it, to show it off to his "friends": http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/12/04/aides-give-president-bush_n_75209.html?page=12&show_comment_id=10583497#comment_10583497
Some things worth considering at this point:
- It is a felony to issue a threat against the President of the United States (18 U.S.C. 871)
- It is a felony to knowingly allow a website under one's control to be used for the commission of other felonies (47 U.S.C. § 223(a)(2))
As is documented below, the above "comment" was far from an isolated incident (sourced from PDF captures of "kevenseven's" comment archive, available upon request):
I would like to see Bush hanged from a lamppost in front of the WH.
But it is never going to happen.
Recognizing that is not the same thing as accepting the crimes that justify his hanging.
posted 03/16/2008 at 16:08:20
kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)
Call Obama and Clinton's offices and threaten them. Lie if you must. Tell them this is the most important thing they can do before you decide who you are voting for.
Log in | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 08:03 pm on 01/08/2008
Aside from urging the murder of President Bush, "kevenseven" also had a fetish for repeatedly expressing his desire for someone to murder Nancy Reagan --- a fetish which, as the documentation below shows, HuffPost not only facilitated, but actually protected. Keep in mind as you review this section that HuffPost's (supposed) Comment Policy prohibits:
See Section 2, here, for more information.
On January 30, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was entitled: GOP Debate: Romney and McCain Attack Each Other's Conservative Credentials. As noted in the screen capture below, the story was accompanied by a picture showing Nancy Reagan with the debaters:

The following was an exchange that occurred between "kevenseven" and his "friends" (members of HuffPost's resident "gang" of raging, protected leftists) and another user --- as validated by the screen captures that follow, and other evidence that's available upon request:
Note how "kevenseven" was being permitted to continue his urgings for the murder of Nancy Reagan, while another user, "WATCHINGowl," expresses his/her outrage at this. Note also how the latter is rebuked by another one of "kevenseven's" friends, "TVL," who implicitly warns him/her that HuffPost management will not tolerate his/her behavior:

- "Off-topic comments"
- "ad hominem attacks including comments that celebrate the death or illness of any person, public figure or otherwise"
See Section 2, here, for more information.
On January 30, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was entitled: GOP Debate: Romney and McCain Attack Each Other's Conservative Credentials. As noted in the screen capture below, the story was accompanied by a picture showing Nancy Reagan with the debaters:

The following was an exchange that occurred between "kevenseven" and his "friends" (members of HuffPost's resident "gang" of raging, protected leftists) and another user --- as validated by the screen captures that follow, and other evidence that's available upon request:
kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)
I still wish someone would drop a house on Nancy.
Reply | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 10:14 pm on 01/30/2008
JohnCT (See profile | I'm a fan of JohnCT)
They already got her sister.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 10:16 pm on 01/30/2008
BeeCharmer1 (See profile | I'm a fan of BeeCharmer1)
NOT me, I want Nancy to out live me by a decade. I couldn't stomach the NATIONAL mourning for a month when she kicks it. They left my brothers dying in the street with AIDS and SAID NOTHING and DID NOTHING, I'll be damned if I'll be sad when she dies.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 10:22 pm on 01/30/2008
kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)
But if she goes first you can piss on her grave. You really need to open your mind to all the possibilities.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 10:26 pm on 01/30/2008

Note how "kevenseven" was being permitted to continue his urgings for the murder of Nancy Reagan, while another user, "WATCHINGowl," expresses his/her outrage at this. Note also how the latter is rebuked by another one of "kevenseven's" friends, "TVL," who implicitly warns him/her that HuffPost management will not tolerate his/her behavior:
kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)
Would somebody PLEASE drop a house on Nancy?
Reply | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 09:34 pm on 01/30/2008
WATCHINGowl (See profile | I'm a fan of WATCHINGowl)
fuck you. What has she done to you, for you to wish death upon her. You are sick you little faggot.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 09:37 pm on 01/30/2008
TLV (See profile | I'm a fan of TLV)
Sorry to sound like your Momma, but the Huffington Post monitors won't let you hang out here long with random ad hominem attacks like that.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 09:43 pm on 01/30/2008
WATCHINGowl (See profile | I'm a fan of WATCHINGowl)
Oh but he can wish death upon an elderly woman for no reason?
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 09:46 pm on 01/30/2008
kevenseven (See profile | I'm a fan of kevenseven)
My my. The indignation. And there is ample reason to detest Nancy, who was and is a horrible human being. An absolute dragon lady, according to people I know who know her.
Reply | Parent | Favorite| Flag as abusive | posted 10:08 pm on 01/30/2008

(5) Starting on April 14, 2008, and continuing through July 2008, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" admissions --- and boasts --- that the U.S. Secret Service interviewed him in his home re his threatening statements on HuffPost
(5) Starting on April 14, 2008, and continuing through July 2008, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" admissions --- and boasts --- that the U.S. Secret Service interviewed him in his home re his threatening statements on HuffPost
It is vitally important to note, again, that as is documented in Section 5 here, on March 1, 2008, HuffPost announced that it would be pre-moderating comments on all its news threads from then on (also see Section 7). This means that only those comments that it had reviewed, approved and published would appear on its news threads.
On April 13, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was entitled: Watch: Obama on Annie Oakley.
And it was on this thread that HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" repeated admissions that the U.S. Secret Service conducted an unannounced, in-home interview with him, regarding the threatening comments he has been making on HuffPost, about its protectees.
Note also that HuffPost reviewed, approved and published his comments in which he "outed" --- and denounced --- these agents by name:
robtomorrow See Profile I'm a Fan of robtomorrow
PA voters I implore you, do the humanitarian thing and put Hillary out of her misery.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:10 AM on 04/14/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
And be careful suggesting the death of a Secret Service protectee. They may come to talk to you the way they did to me on Friday last.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:24 AM on 04/14/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Special agents Xxxxx Xxxx* and Xxxxxxx Xxx* of the Los Angeles office.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:56 AM on 04/14/2008
[*NOTE: We have concealed the names of these Secret Service agents, out of courtesy to them and their agency. In contrast, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" identification of them, by name, on multiple occasions.]
Newmoney See Profile I'm a Fan of Newmoney
wat do u mean they came for you?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:40 AM on 04/14/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
The Secret Service came to my house and asked me probing questions due to a comment I posted on Huff.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:42 AM on 04/14/2008
JhNyc See Profile I'm a Fan of JhNyc
Are you serious?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:51 AM on 04/14/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Deathly. I'll be calling the ACLU for advice tomorrow.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:55 AM on 04/14/2008
[NOTE: HuffPost then reviewed, approved and published "kevensevens" comment showing that HuffPost had still not removed his comment from back on December 4, 2007, which he claimed led to this interview. The screen capture taken at the time shows the page to which he was referring.]
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Check page 7 of: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/12/04/aides-give-president-bush_n_75209.html
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:09 AM on 04/14/2008
* * *
On April 15, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was entitled: Obama: Clinton Using GOP Playbook.
As HuffPost management had not only still not banned "kevenseven," but was continuing to review, approve and publish his comments, he began insulting the Secret Service agents who interviewed him:
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Hey, you want to watch any suggestion of wishing premature mortality on a Secret Service protectee.
Two guys who looked like rejects from the Blues Brothers came to see me just last Friday for a comment I posted on Huff last Dec. Early last Dec.
They are definitely on the case....four and a half months later they want me to explain a snotty comment about the shrub*.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:03 AM on 04/15/2008
[*NOTE.: “Shrub” is leftist slang on HuffPost for President Bush.]
When asked by another user about the incident, “kevenseven” acknowledged his threat, further insulted the Secret Service agents, and even said he told them that he could offer “a Congressman” who would “vouch” for him.
Then, when still another user ("BreakingnewsJustintime") asked whether he was not being reckless by insulting the Secret Service agents who interviewed him, “kevenseven” indicated that he felt he was immune from consequences (which was proven true, as HuffPost still would not ban him --- and even when it did, it would fully reinstate him, several days later):
AdLib See Profile I'm a Fan of AdLib
That's messed up! What did you say originally (in general, without starting the wheels turning again) and what did you say to them?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:21 AM on 04/15/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
There was a headline "WH aides makeover B**H". I wrote "The first thing to do is cut off his h**d." This, they took to be a threat worth investigating. 4 and a half months after it was written.
I told them that I could call a congressman and put him on the phone with them if they needed someone to vouch for me. And that they were just a bit hypervigilant.
Truly, the lead guy came off as if he has never so much as giggled once in his life. Probably never had sex with the lights on.
Six times this guy asked if I thought that that did not sound like a threat.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:31 AM on 04/15/2008
BreakingnewsJustintime See Profile I'm a Fan of BreakingnewsJustintime
What do you think they'll do when they read that you called them "rejects from the Blues Brothers"?
You're stuck on stupid.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:30 AM on 04/15/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
What the f**k do I care how they respond to this? It is not illegal to make light of SS agents. You are a fool.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:33 AM on 04/15/2008

Now, knowing all you do about HuffPost at this point, which user do you think it chose to ban, soon after this exchange --- "kevenseven," or "BreakingnewsJustintime?"
You got it: HuffPost banned "BreakingnewsJustintime," but left "kevenseven" free to continue posting at will.
* * *
On April 17, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was entitled: Clinton Emphatically Says Obama Can Win White House.
It was on this thread that HuffPost continued to review, approve and publish "kevenseven's" ongoing assault on the U.S. Secret Service agents who interviewed him:
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Hey! Don't do that! Do not even remotely suggest that you are advocating harm to a Secret Service Protectee! I'm not s**ting you.
I had a visit last Friday from two of the squarest guys you ever want to not meet over something I wrote in December.
The Secret Service. Right on the ball, four and a half months after a joke, they are interrogating me. The dopes.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:06 AM on 04/17/2008

* * *
On April 19, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was (still) entitled: Clinton Emphatically Says Obama Can Win White House.
It was on this thread that HuffPost continued to review, approve and publish "kevenseven's":
- Boasts of the in-home interview he received from the Secret Service for his activities on HuffPost
- Claims that he threw these agents out of his house
- Claims that his “cred” (credibility) with local activists was enhanced, as a result
It should also be noted that in the following comment, "kevenseven" admits that, at a minimum, he "pretended to threaten" a protectee of the Secret Service:
jeffp26 See Profile I'm a Fan of jeffp26
Clinton really has taught me to despise her. She cannot accept this loss, and is willing to destroy the party for the sake of her ego.
I'd like to give her a whoopdedo with a stickball bat.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:33 PM on 04/19/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Ohhhhhh. Not cool man.
Don't even half pretend to threaten a Secret Service protectee. Seriously.
They came to my house last week for a comment much like that from four months ago.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:47 PM on 04/19/2008
psfurlong356 See Profile I'm a Fan of psfurlong356
Keven: are you serious? they came to your house?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:56 PM on 04/19/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Goddam right they came to my house. Sat in my living room for an hour badgering me with the same stupid question over and over.
At one point I told them to get the hell out of my house, they toned it down.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:07 PM on 04/19/2008

Given how quickly HuffPost bans non-violating users (e.g. "BreakingnewsJustintime") who dare to challenge or oppose its resident gang of maniacal violators, but keeps users like "kevenseven" active, it should come as no surprise that HuffPost decided to ignore the implicit threat that "JeffP26" expressed against Sen. Clinton. As shown below, as of June 14, 2009, it had not only not banned him, it had reviewed, approved and published an additional 2,800 comments from him:

Note also that HuffPost continued to review, approve and publish “kevenseven's" courteous directions to inquiring users, to find the original comment he made, that led to the interview --- which HuffPost still had not removed:
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevensevenNote also that HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" comments containing his email address, for the purpose of inviting other users to a campaign rally that he was organizing for "Congressmen," and possibly Sen. Boxer (are these Congressmen and Senators aware of what kind of "activists" are "organizing rallies" for them?):
Oh, you are free to say anything. Sometimes that freedom has consequences. This is the thread, the comment that drew their attention is on page 7.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:37 PM on 04/19/2008
ohioangel See Profile I'm a Fan of ohioangel
You've gotta be kidding me, that was so obviously snarky...geez louise, I'd better censor myself then because I've made some comments. Hehehe. Sorry you had to endure that, although I'm sure it makes for great coffee table anecdotes.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:51 PM on 04/19/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Oh, my cred with the local activists is up.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:20 PM on 04/19/2008
metropolitan See Profile I'm a Fan of metropolitan
hey keven, i see from your past comments you're looking to email with women you pick up on huffpost comment boards.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:41 PM on 04/19/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
She indicated that she lives near me, and crazy me, I want to invite her to the campaign rally that I am organizing featuring congressmen and if I get lucky, Barbara Boxer.
Any other Southern Californians who want to drop me a line may feel free to do so.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:12 PM on 04/19/2008
On May 25, 2008, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published “kevenseven's” continued boasting about being interviewed by the Secret Service. Old and new "friends" began to call him their “hero,” and include themselves as being part of his “fan” list – which he then claimed gave him “importance” at HuffPost. The following are excerpts from the PDF of this comment thread.
Note that one of his "friends," "KQuarkSuperKollider," is also featured here at Huff-Watch --- due to the fact that HuffPost reviewed, approved and published his urgings for the murder of other VIPs on HuffPost, and hsi claims to have the weapons with which to do it.
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
A few of you may know that the Secret Service came to interrogate me for writing on this blog that the best way to achieve a makeover for Bush would be to cut off his head. They insisted that that was a threat. They put me thru it for an hour.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:44 PM on 05/25/2008
KQuarksSuperKollider See Profile I'm a Fan of KQuarksSuperKollider
Kev you are my hero.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:58 PM on 05/25/2008
Illinoissuburbanvoter See Profile I'm a Fan of Illinoissuburbanvoter
WOW!! We've got your back too!
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 07:21 PM on 05/25/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Feel free to become a fan. I get a kick at counting the number when some troll is telling me that I am of no importance here.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 07:28 PM on 05/25/2008
AnnieinOR See Profile I'm a Fan of AnnieinOR
wow, keven, you are a legend. our own Robin Hood in our midst. heart u.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:52 PM on 05/25/2008
paganmist See Profile I'm a Fan of paganmist
Dude. Are you serious? Like, came to your HOUSE? Okay, that must've been HEAVY. Sorry you had to go through that. That sounds seriously scary.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:50 PM on 05/25/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Sat in my living room. When they asked me if I had ever attended a Bush rally, I told them they could get out of my home right then.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:56 PM on 05/25/2008
* * *
While 29 other comments were "pending" (awaiting its review), HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" further discussion of the in-home interview he received from the Secret Service, which he now admitted was due to a threat he made against President Bush. From the PDF of this comment thread:
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Take it from somebody who has experienced a Secret Service interview. They are as interested in Ob ama's security as they are in Booooosh's. Ob ama is a Secret Service protectee.
If you want to experience a very uncomfortable hour, you should make a public threat against him.
Guys who look like they have never smiled will make you miserable. Not that you are not already.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:15 PM on 07/19/2008
* * *
And as before, throughout this period and to the present day, HuffPost continuously reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" and his friends': - Vulgar attacks on other users who dared to voice dissenting political opinions, let alone criticized him for his outrageous behavior
- Gloating over the fact that HuffPost management dutifully removes the comments from/bans non-violating users who stand up against them, and about whom they complain
And as before, HuffPost continued to protect "kevenseven" not only from criticism, but from being subjected to the same (supposed) Comment Policy and Terms of Service that other users are (supposedly) required to observe. One prime example is below: a user expressed a political opinion with which "kevenseven" disagrees --- and he suggested more physical violence:

You got it: HuffPost chose to ban "Superbus," and to leave "kevenseven" free to post at will.
And as is shown in the next section, not only did HuffPost continue to review, approve and publish "kevenseven's" maniacal attacks on other users, it continued to protect him --- by removing the comments from another user who called him out on his explicit racism.
(6) May 25, 2008: HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" explicit racism ---
but instead of banning him, it removed the comments from a user who called him out on it
On May 25, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was entitled: Clinton Kennedy Assassination Reference: Raises Bobby's Death To Explain Why She Stays In Race (VIDEO) but instead of banning him, it removed the comments from a user who called him out on it
While 20 other comments were "pending" HuffPost's review, at 6:26pm it reviewed, approved and published the following comment from "kevenseven":
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevensevenAs noted below, at 6:29pm, another user, "grinreaper," called "kevenseven" out for his racism:
Oh, I think the only way to top this is to complain about that uppity n****r stealing the nomination from her. On camera.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:26 PM on 05/25/2008
grinreaper See Profile I'm a Fan of grinreaper
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:29 PM on 05/25/2008

"grinreaper's" post was removed minutes after it appeared. As is shown in the timestamp beneath the post in the following screen capture, at 6:57pm "grinreaper" posted "racist" for a second time, in reply to "kevenseven's" comment. To which "kevenseven" replied:
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
Ah, this post might not get scrubbed quite as quickly. You @sshole.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:59 PM on 05/25/2008

Then, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published "kevenseven's" gloating over the fact that it attempted to protect him, by removing the "racist" comment from "grin reaper":
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven
That troll got scrubbed. Heh.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:52 PM on 05/25/2008
[NOTE: "troll" is HuffPost parlence for any user that stands up against its "protected class" of raging leftists and others; "scrubbed" means that HuffPost removed another user's comments.]
To which "grinreaper" responded as shown below:
grinreaper See Profile I'm a Fan of grinreaper
cuz i called you a r@cist for sayin 'that uppity n****r stealing the nomination' good goin r@cist
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 07:00 PM on 05/25/2008

HuffPost's inverse application of its (supposed) Comment Policy and Terms of Service continued throughout the spring, summer and fall of 2008 --- during which it protected and enabled its most vicious, obsessive users, while removing the comments from/banning those who stood against them.
Here is still another example of the HuffPost-approved "civil discourse" by "kevinhussienseven" (one of "kevenseven's" pseudonyms; see Addendum 1 at bottom), on September 2, 2008.
The title of the top news thread at this time was entitled "Palin's Church May Have Shaped Controversial Worldview." As shown below, one user, "sherylsworld," called Sarah Palin "trailer park trash." Another user, "BradPittsburgh," "flagged" this comment, meaning that he was alerting HuffPost, via the system it designed (see button under each comment), to a comment that violates its (supposed) Comment Policy. In response, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published the following reaction by "kevenhussienseven":
kevenhusseinseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenhusseinseven permalink
Take your fvcking flag and ram it up your a$$.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 07:34 PM on 09/02/2008

Now, based just on what you see above (there's far more evidence related to this), which user do you think HuffPost chose to keep active --- and which one it banned? Need you ask? Of course, HuffPost banned BradPittsburgh --- and kept protecting "kevenseven" (and his pseudonyms).
Then, on September 19, 2008, "kevenseven" admitted that he has/has had at least 10 monikers (screen names) on HuffPost. This was said in the context of another pathological violator’s (“trollslayer”) pleading with him to write an email to HuffPost management, on behalf of the most obsessive, vicious violators on HuffPost (“Volvo” --- who, ironically, has been interviewed by the FBI on at least one occasion for his obsessive stalking of other users on HuffPost):
trollslayer See Profile I'm a Fan of trollslayer permalink
Kev, you have to email me at savevolvo@hushmail.com with a brief note asking for volvo to be reinstated, and signed with your H UFF screen name. thanks!
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:59 PM on 09/19/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven permalink
Seems to me that he could register with yet another moniker. Volvo was his eighth or so.
Hell, I'm near on ten.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:06 AM on 09/20/2008
trollslayer See Profile I'm a Fan of trollslayer permalink
Come on Kev. You've had that 7 for ages. Would you want to lose all your fans?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:08 AM on 09/20/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven permalink
No. And I was pissed to lose my list from my first moniker.
I sent the e-mail. Jeeze. The guilt.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:11 AM on 09/20/2008
On another PDF of a top thread in this archive, “kevenseven” confirmed that HuffPost had removed more than 4,000 of his comments:
hexham See Profile I'm a Fan of hexham permalink
Please let us know... if you survive the confrontation. I've had dozens [of comments] deleted, most of which totally innocuous. frustrating.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:49 AM on 09/21/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven permalink
Dozens? I've had nearly 4000 deleted, and that is only in this moniker. Which is, I think, my tenth.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:02 AM on 09/21/2008
“KevenSeven’s” participation in the email campaign to have his (pathological, violating “friend”) apparently helped – HuffPost fully reinstated the user (“Volvo”) within days.
Moving along to other PDFs of top threads, enclosed – HuffPost continued to review, approve and publish “kevenseven's” vicious attacks on other users, and his continued gloating over his Secret Service interview:
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven permalink
MaDmOnKy its true i saw a gallup poll McCain and Obama are tied, now all the lefties are hostile. I feel bad for you.
Posted 05:40 PM on 09/25/2008
I heard you molest altar boys. I feel bad for the altar boys.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:53 PM on 09/25/2008
(7) On September 29, 2008, HuffPost (again) "banned" "kevenseven" --- but fully reinstated him three days later, to his "friends'" express delight.
How did this happen? Via a "friend" with influence over HuffPost
Apparently, after reviewing, approving and publishing all the above (and far more that's not included herein, but which is available upon request), HuffPost again “banned” “kevenseven” on September 29, 2008, as is shown in the PDF of his comment archive, below (click to enlarge):How did this happen? Via a "friend" with influence over HuffPost

Yet on October 2, HuffPost fully reinstated him – including his entire comment history, and his prized "fan" listing, as if nothing ever happened.
HuffPost then went on to review, approve and publish his friends' celebration of this fact, all over its top news thread at the time, all of which were violations of its (supposed) Comment Policy, re keeping comments "on-topic":
HumeSkeptic See Profile I'm a Fan of HumeSkeptic permalink
I am sure that I am one of many who would like to welcome Kevenseven back to H_ffy.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:27 PM on 10/02/2008
Pronto See Profile I'm a Fan of Pronto permalink
Oh, Happy Day!!
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:33 PM on 10/02/2008
Medius See Profile I'm a Fan of Medius permalink
Welcome back Kevenseven.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:31 PM on 10/02/2008
TiffanyHusseinBanned See Profile I'm a Fan of TiffanyHusseinBanned permalink
What happened to him?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:28 PM on 10/02/2008
MIMom See Profile I'm a Fan of MIMom permalink
He was banned briefly.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:35 PM on 10/02/2008
suzycolorado See Profile I'm a Fan of suzycolorado permalink
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:28 PM on 10/02/2008
VolvoBirkenstock See Profile I'm a Fan of VolvoBirkenstock permalink
Hear Hear!
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:28 PM on 10/02/2008
trollslayer See Profile I'm a Fan of trollslayer permalink
I see you've been fully restored.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:28 PM on 10/02/2008
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven permalink
Just had to ask nice. And Hume helped out.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 03:30 PM on 10/02/2008

He "just had to ask (HuffPost) nicely" --- that's pretty self-explanatory.
But who is "HumeSkeptic," whom "kevenseven" claimed "helped out?" And what influence does he have over HuffPost, to get a user like "kevenseven" fully reinstated?
You can pretty much get a feel for who "HumeSkeptic" is (and his relationship with HuffPost) from the following facts:
(1) HumeSkeptic admitted in late 2007 that he "fought" with HuffPost for four months to get it to reactive his account, after it had banned him:
HumeSkeptic (See profile | I'm a fan of HumeSkeptic)
I don't take these things too seriously, Jane. They play their little games.
Once they banned me last year because all trolls ganged up on me and started flagging every post.
I fought Huffy and, after about for months, got my moniker back.
That also was fun.
Reply | Parent | posted 10:31 pm on 12/12/2007

(2) Why would HuffPost ban "HumeSkeptic"? Who knows --- it might have something to do with posts like these from him --- one year after he was banned --- in response to users who dare to voice political opinions with which he disagrees (from PDF of comment archives, below and upon request):
HumeSkeptic See Profile I'm a Fan of HumeSkeptic I'm a fan of this user permalink
Are you done f*cking your mother, or are you just taking a break?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 09:20 PM on 09/15/2008
HumeSkeptic See Profile I'm a Fan of HumeSkeptic I'm a fan of this user permalink
Who gives a flying f*ck what you are waiting for, Tr0ll?
Wait and rot in your own excrement as long as you want.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:26 PM on 09/16/2008

Apparently those jewels of thoughtful, policy-compliant political discourse weren't enough to ban him (even though we know for a fact that numerous complaints were sent to HuffPost regarding those and other HumeSkeptic attacks on other users).
We know this because on November 9, 2008, while 7 other comments were pending its approval on its top news thread, HuffPost reviewed, approved and published HumeSkeptic's claim that if he were ever in President Bush's presence, he would "beat the crap out of him" (PDF of thread available upon request):donaldw6 See Profile I'm a Fan of donaldw6 permalink
If I had an hour to tell President Bush what was on my mind, what would I say? I guess the first thing I would want to do is listen, to draw him out on how he's viewed his presidency and his decisions during his term. I'd like to hear what he thinks about it, now that his legacy is in disarray. I wouldn't expect much. If I could only say one thing to him, what would it be? I've thought it over, and I think I would tell him that he tried to put his decisions above the law, and I will do whatever I can to ensure that never happens again.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:35 PM on 11/09/2008
HumeSkeptic See Profile I'm a Fan of HumeSkeptic permalink
I admire your patience. I would beat the cr@p out of him.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:37 PM on 11/09/2008
Note also that HuffPost thoughtfully reviewed, approved and published the following implicit threat against Bush --- from a user who claims to live near his new residence:
SupremeIdiot See Profile I'm a Fan of SupremeIdiot permalink
Yeah, I might let my fists do the talking. Funny thing, he'll be living here in Dallas. I hope I don't run into him. I'm really a gentle guy.....no...really.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 06:41 PM on 11/09/2008
(And how long has HuffPost allowed "SupremeIdiot" to post on its site? Only since September 2006. But there's no need to worry, or consider this anything extraordinary. HuffPost has only allowed him to post 9,203 comments, and still permits him to remain an active user as of June 17, 2009, as shown in the screen capture of his comment profile, below.)

- These comments were published 6 months after HuffPost announced that the only comments that would appear on its news threads are those that it has reviewed and approved.
- We know for a fact, and can prove, that complaints were sent to HuffPost regarding these and other "comments" by "HumeSkeptic" on numerous occasions in 2008 --- yet as is documented herein, it refused to do anything about him.
Perhaps HuffPost's reluctance to permanently ban users like "HumeSkeptic" is that its revenue is generated by page-views, which are in part driven by comments posted, and...
(3) Since December 2005, HuffPost has allowed "HumeSkeptic" to post nearly 72,000 comments, under the same screen name (see screen capture below) --- and since early 2008, he has been permitted to routinely posted between 80 and 150 comments a day, nearly every day:One might think that as HuffPost fully restored "kevenseven" to posting status, with his prized "fan" list and entire comment archive intact, he might have begun to shy away from urging violence against protectees of the Secret Service. One would be wrong.
A detailed profile of "HumeSkeptic" as another of HuffPost's "protected" users is located here.
On October 2, 2008, HuffPost's top news thread was entitled:
“McCain Camp's Pre-Debate Spin: Palin Doesn't Need To Pass IQ Test”
It was on this thread that HuffPost reviewed, approved and published “kevenseven's” latest contribution to its civil discourse --- the very day that it fully restored his account:
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven permalink
Somebody shove a 2x4 up her?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 09:06 PM on 10/02/2008
As is documented below, HuffPost went way beyond merely continuing to review, approve and publish his rancid, vulgar attacks (and occasional urgings for violence against protectees of the US Secret Service). It actually took extraordinary action to conceal what he had been doing on the site.
(8) December 2, 2008: HuffPost banned "kevenseven" again, but fully reinstated him two days later --- yet it removed five months of his comments
Just when a normal person would think this couldn't get any more otherworldly, along comes this....
On December 2, 2008, HuffPost again "banned" "kevenseven":

And on December 4, 2008, HuffPost fulfilled his request: it fully reinstated "kevenseven," with his prized "fan" base intact.
Yet HuffPost also took the peculiar step of removing ("scrubbing") all but one of the comments that it had reviewed, approved and published of his since July 23, 2008:

We don't have "kevenseven's" comment archive from July 2008. Below, however, is what it looked like on August 22, 2008; note that on page 2, he comments:
Who were you? And I have three other monikers that function. I'm good to go.Also note that at this point --- after 11 months on HuffPost --- it had allowed him to post 18,050 comments, or an average of 1,640 per month. Extrapolating the five months of his comments that HuffPost removed when it reinstated him on December 4, 2008, we contend it is reasonable to assume that the 23,649 comments that his comment archive showed as of June 13, 2009 (below) should be at least 8,000 higher:
posted Aug 22, 2008 at 22:29:17

Then, considering this comment from September 2008, we discover that according to "kevenseven" himself, his comment count should be nearly 4,000 higher than that:
kevenseven See Profile I'm a Fan of kevenseven permalink
Dozens? I've had nearly 4000 deleted, and that is only in this moniker. Which is, I think, my tenth.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:02 AM on 09/21/2008
So, the net total that we contend HuffPost has permitted "kevenseven" to post since September 2007 is actually --- at a minimum --- 35,000 total.
Think about that: HuffPost has knowingly enabled and protected a "user" like "kevenseven" to post 35,000 comments on its site in 21 months --- while removing the comments from/banning other users who dare to stand up against him.
"The future of journalism," indeed.
At a point like this, it would be worthwhile to review HuffPost's public statements on its standards of user conduct (Section 3, here) --- in which it claims it has a "zero-tolerance" for hate speech, and rushes into action as soon as it becomes aware of "offensive" comments.
Click here to go to important addendum items, documenting how HuffPost enabled and protected "kevenseven" through at least October 2009 --- after approving his stalking of, and threats against other users:
ADDENDUM 1: HuffPost has been allowing "kevenseven" to post under at least two other, similar screen names, one of which he openly admits is him:
ADDENDUM 2: HuffPost's "Comment Policy" claims that pathological violators are subject to having their IP addresses banned. Yet in its correspondence to a user who complained about "kevenseven" and other violators, it stated that it cannot even compare (let alone ban) user IP addresses.
ADDENDUM 3: March 8, 2009 --- "kevenseven" again threatens another user's children (HuffPost: Approved!!!)
ADDENDUM 4: September-October, 2009 --- HuffPost "banned" "kevenseven" three more times, then fully reinstated him after each incident, in some cases, due to the influence of another pathological violator of its policies, "HumeSkeptic"
ADDENDUM 5: October 25, 2009 --- HuffPost "banned" "kevenseven" again; he claims on another blogsite that it is blocking him by IP address, and seeks and obtains advice on how to break back in
Given all the above, and the length of this article, perhaps we should close with some other comments that haven't appeared on any of HuffPost's "news" threads --- from Arianna Huffington herself:
"(O)ur desire (is to) not to have the Huffington Post become a forum for unending personal battles and potentially libelous charges." (10/29/07)
"If you're looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog rhetoric ... don't bother coming to the Huffington Post." (5/6/05)
"We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to abusive or hateful language or comments – such comments are taken down as quickly as they come to the attention of our moderators." (3/20/08)
"(A) few ugly - and anonymously posted -- comments appear(ed) on HuffPost, which were removed as soon as we become aware of them..." (2/28/08)
Oh, if only that were all true, what a different site HuffPost would be.
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