Thursday, February 28, 2013

Introduction: HuffPost gives super-coverage to "homesick" jihadi - and continues ignoring victims of jihad

A new report documents the continuing pro-Islamist, anti-Semitic bias at HuffPost, now the world's #1 most-read online "newspaper," which has repeatedly claimed it is not partisan.

The report, "HuffPost gives super-coverage to 'homesick' jihadi - and continues ignoring victims of jihad," utilizes dozens of screencaps and links to numerous supporting articles to reveal the following:

In Part 1:

On February 8, HuffPost published simultaneously on its front page and World page a "news" story about an Islamist terrorist who complains that he's "homesick," in part because his gang's leaders won't let him touch the "war booty" that he captures.  (The story made no mention of the fact that "war booty," to jihadis in general, and his gang in particular, includes the women and girls that they kidnap and sexually terrorize.)  HuffPost kept the story on the front page for two straight days, and on the World page for five.

During the same time period, a U.S. soldier, Sgt. Clinton Romesha, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for distinct heroism in a particularly brutal firefights against jihadis, in which eight of his comrades were killed.  HuffPost did not publish this story on either its front page or World page, then or since.  Instead, it has populated them with "news" stories it considered more deserving of this top-line treatment, including "My boyfriend demands sex and gets violent while asleep” (2 days on front page), “Sole surviving food taster reveals new details about Hitler's diet” (4 days on World page), and "Rhianna stays naked for entire new music video":

HuffPost also published not a single story on its front page or World page regarding another U.S. soldier, Sgt. Dennis Weichert, who sacrificed his life to save a little Afghan girl's.  Instead, it gave top-line treatment to "news" items such as "Six-legged calf is adorable and milking the attention.”

In Part 2:

HuffPost gives sustained, top-line treatment to stories of jihadi terrorists and Palestinian Muslims who are killed or meet misfortune, and almost invariably includes graphic, sympathy-evoking images of the victims and their survivors at funerals or in protest In contrast, it routinely downplays --- or ignores --- the Jewish civilians who are targeted and murdered by jihadis.  For example:

  • HuffPost completely ignored the plight of an Israeli couple, Arnold and Frimet Roth, who struggled to prevent one of the jihadis who murdered Malki, their fifteen-year-old daughter (and fourteen others) from being released early from prison.  Instead, it gave top-line treatment to "news" stories including "Man arrested for bestiality claims prostitute transformed into donkey," "Man vows to masturbate in every NYC Starbucks bathroom," and three items featuring Arianna Huffington's face.
  • HuffPost completely ignored the funeral for a seven-year-old French girl, Miriam Monsonego (right), who was brutally murdered by a jihadi as she walked to school.  Instead, it published "news" stories on its front page and World page including "Chinese panda poo tea will sell for $200 a cup," and "Is this the strangest way to have an orgasm?"
  • HuffPost only briefly posted, mid-way down the World page, the story of the Fogel family, who were brutally slaughtered in their West Bank home by jihadis. Even though pictures of the victims were quickly available --- including of the three month old girl, whose throat the jihadis slit --- HuffPost's version of the story only featured one picture: of an IDF Jeep.  HuffPost quickly removed the story, but decided that a "news" story about pictures of "Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler's private moments" deserved seven straight days on its World page.
Some Americans may also be shocked to discover that their tax dollars are being used, albeit indirectly, to enable HuffPost to engage in this bias.

Read the report here.

If you'd like to share your thoughts on this matter, please contact HuffPost's senior management, and/or its advertisers, or post your comment on this page.


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