Note: HuffPost is now the world's #1 most-read online "newspaper", which has repeatedly, falsely claimed to the public and its advertisers that it is nonpartisan. In reality, for four years, HuffPost has been deliberately, maliciously inciting and tolerating hate against Israel and Jews, based on false, unprovable or grossly decontextualized allegations, and biased story choices and positioning.This article documents how HuffPost, once again, protected Hamas from being held to public account for its murderous acts and genocidal threats against Jews -- and instead devoted its unrivaled reach and influence to incite and tolerate hatred against Jews. In summary, this article documents the fact that:
- On January 24, the AP and other sources documented the fact that Hamas was bragging about its new child terrorist indoctrination centers, in which it "trains" youngsters from age 12 on up to aspire to become suicide bombers, to murder Jews.
- HuffPost completely ignored this story. Instead, it gave top-line coverage to "news" stories such as (1) Khloe Kardashian's claim that "My vagina smells like roses!"; to Hitler's toilet; (2) the question of whether mass-murderer Basher Assad's wife is pregnant; (3) and of course, boobs, boobs and more boobs.
- In contrast, whenever HuffPost discovers a malicious, inflammatory lie about Israel or Jews, it gives the "story" top-line coverage.
January 24, 2013: Major news sources that HuffPost relies upon revealed that Hamas has opened a child terrorist training academy, and is indoctrinating them to become suicide bombers against Jews
On January 24, 2013, the Jerusalem Post --- a newspaper that HuffPost sources on a regular basis --- published a front-page story entitled "Hamas to establish military academy for schoolkids." Excerpt (emphasis added):
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh announced on Thursday that the military academy, the first of its kind in the Gaza Strip, would prepare the children for the “phase of liberating Palestine.”
He said that children in grades 7-9 could join the school and graduate with a diploma or a BA in military affairs. Haniyeh made this announcement during a ceremony in the Gaza Strip marking the birth of the prophet Muhammad. More than 10,000 schoolchildren attended the ceremony, which included a “military parade” by some of the teenagers.
The prime minister said he has instructed the Hamas-run Education Ministry to draw up plans for the establishment of the military academy. Haniyeh said that the new academy would educate and prepare children for the establishment of a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.”
Some of the other (real) news sources that carried the AP story, and published additional photos & videos:
The Stamford Advocate (CT) ran this story, "Gaza teens graduate from Hamas military school," sourced from the AP --- which HuffPost turns to more than any other single source for its news stories:
On January 24, our friends at HuffPostMonitor even published a video of a senior Hamas figure openly bragging about its kiddie terrorist training academy (emphasis added):
On December 18, 2012, senior Hamas commander Zaher Jabarin gave an interview to Hamas’ Al-Quds TV. In the interview, Jabarin said Hamas labors “day and night” educating Palestinian children in Gaza to become suicide bombers.
“The Palestinian youngsters, the resistance and Jihad warriors, fight and quarrel over performing a courageous suicide operation,” he said.
Because suicide bombers are ready to die, said Jabarin, Israel has no way of preventing them from carrying out their attacks.
ABC27, the TV affiliate in Pennsylvania, ran the story. So did KWSO, the ABC affiliate in Wichita Falls, KS.
So how did HuffPost cover this shocking story?
HuffPost completely ignored the story of the Hamas child terrorist indoctrination centers.
Instead, it gave top-line coverage to other "news" stories that it decided were far more important for its global audience to be aware of, such as...
Khloe Kardashian: "My vagina smells like roses!" --- which HuffPost placed high on its front page, and left there for two days straight:
Hitler's toilet --- which HuffPost ran for three days straight:
Whether Basher Assad's wife is pregnant --- which HuffPost ran for five days straight:
"Boobs" --- Arianna claims she believes that “[T]oo many reporters have forgotten that the highest calling of journalists is to ferret out the truth, consequences be damned.” That's why HuffPost focuses only on "news" stories of global importance, such as these breaking stories about women's boobs, which remained posted on its front page for between two and five straight days. Who could disagree that these stories aren't more important than the discovery that Hamas is bragging about indoctrinating children to aspire to grow up to be suicide bombers, to murder Jews?
And last but not least...
"Arianna says" --- HuffPost placed this "news" story about noted chronic disease expert Arianna on its front page for two days straight:
And these interviews with noted economic and employment expert Arianna were also placed high on HuffPost's front page, and left there for several days:
For a day-by-day accounting of highlights of what HuffPost published on its front page and World page, from January 24 - February 5, please see this page.
In contrast, how does HuffPost deal with inflammatory allegations against Israel and Jews, that it knows are completely untrue, totally irrelevant, or grossly decontextualized?
Those familiar with HuffPost know full well that if Israel had opened up a "school" to indoctrinate children to want to murder Muslims, and eradicate them from the Palestinian territories, and there were pictures to validate it all, HuffPost would have (a) made the story one of its screaming front-page headlines, and (b) kept it there for days on end.
Here are some of the dozens of examples we've documented of the way HuffPost treats what it contends are shocking revelations concerning Israel and Jews --- even when it knows that they are completely untrue, totally irrelevant, or grossly decontextualized:
From here:
From "Abbas says Pali state will be Jew-free. HuffPost: 'Pass... Got any dirt on Bibi's son?'":

From "HuffPost's anti-Israel incitement: Dog execution edition":
Want dozens of more thoroughly-documented examples?
See our massive archive of how HuffPost systematically incites hate against Israel and Jews.
Notable Quotes:
"If you're going to produce great journalism, you haveto build a team of people who are working together and driving toward the same goals editorially.”
– Arianna Huffington, April 7, 2011 --- two months after being put in control of all of AOL's "news" and "content"
"AOL's acquisition of HuffPost has allowed us... to continue to change the culture here."
--- Tim Armstrong, Chairman, AOL, who bought HuffPost and put Arianna in charge of all "news" and "content" --- May 14, 2011
“[W]e are increasingly seen ... as an Internet newspaper, not positioned ideologically in terms of how we cover the news.”
– Arianna Huffington, May 22, 2009
If you believe HuffPost should stop doing PR for and protecting Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamist terror groups, and inciting hatred against Israel and Jews, we urge you to do these things:
(1) Make your voice known to HuffPost's senior management here.
(2) Consider writing or calling one or more of HuffPost's top advertisers, to let them know your thoughts on what their ad dollars are enabling.An easy way to approach this is to scan our easy-to-use directory and find one or two corporations that you are a customer of, or have stock in. Your concerns will automatically be given considerably more weight. Also, request a follow-up after they've had a chance to review the evidence; don't let them off the hook, or sweep this under the rug.
(3) Forward the link to this story along to others who support Jews and Israel --- particularly journalists!!!
(4) Email this article to your Congressional representatives --- along with the following "NO HUFFPOST" graphic, and tell them to post it in the windows of their offices, to show that that they will no longer enable or legitimize the West's #1 facilitator of the cyber-jihad against Israel, Jews and the U.S. military:
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