On August 16, HuffPost published a story mid-way down on its main page, concerning the accidental death of a 45-year old Sprint executive, Thomas Murphy:

Clicking on the story led to the following story page, which provided an excerpt from the UPI story:
SNOWMASS CANYON, Colo., Aug. 16 (UPI) -- A Sprint Nextel Corp. executive died
when a boulder slammed through his car's windshield while driving in Snowmass
Canyon, Colo., state patrol officers said.
Read the whole story: UPI

While up to 30 other comments were pending, the following are among the 62 that HuffPost reviewed, approved and decided to publish (PDFs available for verification):
Note: A link is provided beneath the most ghoulish comments that HuffPost reviewed, approved and decided to publish, to indicate how many prior comments it has permitted the user to post --- and whether it still permits them to post comments as of December 16, 2009. This will help the reader to discern whether these are "anonymous troublemaking trolls" (hit-and-run users), as Ms. Huffington alleges when incidents like this are documented (1, 2) --- or whether they are among the long-term radical leftists whose hatred HuffPost has enabled for some period of time, while it censors and bans non-violating users who stand against them.
This is why Sprint needs better coverage. It is barbaric to force someone to drive around in such a hazardous area looking for a signal.
Posted 05:42 PM on 08/16/2009
At the time, HuffPost had permitted this user to post 703 comments; as of December 16, 2009, the user was STILL ACTIVE, and had been permitted to post 122 more "comments."
"you'd better leave before someone drops a house on you too."
Posted 06:25 PM on 08/16/2009
DirkInNijmegen I'm a Fan of DirkInNijmegen 3 fans permalink
Perhaps a whole mountain will fall on the United Healthcare CEO.
Posted 06:41 PM on 08/16/2009
Peter Madaka
He was a Conservative Rethug.
Posted 06:53 PM on 08/16/2009
At the time, HuffPost had permitted this user to post 16 comments; as of December 16, 2009, the user was STILL ACTIVE, and had been permitted to post 100 more "comments."
Then he deserved to die.
Posted 09:03 PM on 08/16/2009

considering the way I've heard customers complain about Sprint and its numerous "praises" in business classes as a customer service model NOT to follow, perhaps prayer does actually work.
Posted 06:55 PM on 08/16/2009
karma is real.
Posted 07:12 PM on 08/16/2009
Question for God: It couldn't have been Cheney???
Posted 07:34 PM on 08/16/2009
At the time, HuffPost had permitted this user to post 452 comments; as of December 16, 2009, the user was STILL ACTIVE, and had been permitted to post 1,500 more "comments."
Bang you're out!
Posted 11:38 PM on 08/16/2009
Yeah, but in Colorado, Sprint has rock-solid reception. Too bad he had to prove it the hard way...
Enough time has passed for the comedy to start.
He was a right-wing thug.
Posted 11:40 PM on 08/16/2009
At the time, HuffPost had permitted this user to post 394 comments; as of December 16, 2009, the user was STILL ACTIVE, and had been permitted to post 66 more "comments."
pmipIP I'm a Fan of pmipIP 10 fans permalink
Yo tool...he was texting while driving...on the sprint network...come join us
Posted 12:53 AM on 08/17/2009
Too bad for the guy and his family. Too bad for us that we pay the highest cell phone rates per month in the world.
Posted 12:05 AM on 08/17/2009
gemswinc I'm a Fan of gemswinc permalink
Could this happen to all marketers?
Posted 01:24 AM on 08/17/2009
Are you ready to ROCK?
Posted 01:41 AM on 08/17/2009
In a final twist of irony, HuffPost featured a Sprint ad directly atop this story:

We can't help but wonder:
How do Mr. Murphy's colleagues and loved ones feel to know that Sprint is actually paying to support this kind of ghoulish hatred directed at him?
(And the hatred directed at so many others, documented at Huff-Watch --- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and elsewhere --- especially at Israel and Jews?)
Note: This isn't the first time HuffPost featured an advertisement in very close proximity to an outrage affecting that corporation that bought it; see:
12/7/09: Bank of America employee fired for "helping customers"? Really? No. (User outrage erupts; "HuffPost: Approved!!!")
UPDATE, October 18, 2010: HuffPost has allowed most of the worst-of-the-worst ghouls on this thread to remain active --- while fast-banning non-violating users who dare to stand up against the hate
This follow-up was prompted as we at HUFF-WATCH were finishing up our listing of HuffPost's top advertisers, and how to contact them, to let them know how you feel about the hate that they're probably unknowingly helping to fund the spreading of. When we realized that Sprint was still advertising at HuffPost, we became curious --- did HuffPost ever ban the users that it permitted to express such ghoulish hate against this Sprint executive? In most cases, nope. Keep in mind that while HuffPost continues to enable and protect these, the most egregious violators of its Comment Policy, it fast-bans users who dare to stand up to them, as documented in this report.
Let's take a look at each user, and what they said about Mr. Murphy; screencaps were obtained on October 18, 2010 --- more than a year later:
ScaryBob: "He was a right-wing thug"

Peter Madaka: "He was a Conservative Rethug"

Nick Conrad: "This is why Sprint needs better coverage."

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