(700 words)
- HuffPost completely ignored the story of 5 individuals charged with terrorizing Jewish children at summer camp in Pennsylvania. Instead, it chose to run on its front page "news" stories about skimpy women's attire, a nudist retreat, and other nonsense.
- This stands in stark contrast to HuffPost's practice of rushing allegations of wrongdoing by Jews to its front page, even when it knows there is no evidence to support the charges, or it points in another direction.
At approximately 2:00pm on Thursday, July 26, ABC News reported that five individuals had been charged in three terrorist-style attacks on, and threats against a Jewish children's summer camp in Pennsylvania:
Jewish Summer Camp in Pennsylvania 'Terrorized'; Five ChargedIn three separate episodes earlier this month, three adults and two juveniles caused property damage as they sped dangerously through Camp Bonim in Wayne County in a pickup truck, shouting anti-Semitic epithets and firing paintball guns at campers and staff, District Attorney Janine Edwards said in a press release. The three adults were arrested Wednesday morning and face felony and misdemeanor charges, including ethnic intimidation, terroristic threats and assault. "These children were terrorized and in fear for their lives by the actions of this group," Edwards said in the release.
[In one of three separate incidents... after driving into the camp at a high speed and chasing Jews down with their pickup truck]... Police said Mark Trail... yelled racial slurs such as "You f***ing Jews go back where you came from" and "I'm gonna kill you, you f***ing Jews."
So, did HuffPost rush to publish this shocking story on its front page, as it does whenever Jews or Israelis are accused of wrongdoing?
No, HuffPost completely ignored the story --- and we can prove it.
First, if you do a search at HuffPost under using the term "Camp Bonim," here's what comes up:

But when you see "Huff-Wires" in the URL (underlines), it indicates that this page was not posted anywhere on the site. Rather, it is merely part of HuffPost's feed from news sources such as the AP, Reuters, etc., that its "army" of editors and researchers sift through, 24-7. Here's proof: these are the pages to which the three links in the above screencap lead:
Scroll to the bottom of those pages, and you'll see that there is no option to leave a comment, and there are no user comments --- because HuffPost chose not to publish them.
(Note to HuffPost: Don't try to belatedly change these documents; we took PDFs of them; example)
Contrast this to what HuffPost does whenever a Jew or Israeli is accused of wrongdoing --- even when it knows there's no evidence to support the charge, or it points in another direction:

As we documented, HuffPost published this front-page smear against "the Jewish lobby" by a nominee to a national security post --- but included none of the strong bipartisan Congressional opposition to him.

So, what types of "news" stories did HuffPost decide were more worthy of being published on its front page than this one?
A sampling:

Want more? Take a look at HuffPost's front page via the PDF below, taken at 2:50pm on July 27 --- a full 24 hours after ABC published its story:
How does this all compare to Arianna's claims that HuffPost is a professional "newspaper," and better than its competitors?
“We are aiming to go beyond just facts, to create anarrative. We think bringing journalism to a new level is exactly what people are looking for.”
- Arianna Huffington
"If you're going to produce great journalism, you have to build a team of people who are working together and driving toward the same goals editorially.”
- Arianna Huffington
“[T]oo many reporters have forgotten that the highest calling of journalists is to ferret out the truth, consequences be damned."
- Arianna Huffington
If you believe HuffPost should start living up to its repeated claims of nonpartisanship, particularly in its coverage of Jewish affairs, we urge you to do three things:
(1) Make your voice known to HuffPost's senior management here
(2) Consider writing or calling one or more of HuffPost's top advertisers, to let them know your thoughts on what their ad dollars are enabling.
An easy way to approach this is to scan our easy-to-use directory and find one or two corporations that you are a customer of, or have stock in. Your concerns will automatically be given considerably more weight. Also, request a follow-up after they've had a chance to review the evidence; don't let them off the hook, or sweep this under the rug.
(3) Forward the link to this story along to others who support Israel and Jews --- particularly journalists!!!
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