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Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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HuffPost uses staged photo to mimic, embolden jihadi hate against America
HuffPost top "news": "'Fat Jew' is a 'F*cking Dick'"
Apparently, HuffPost intends to help get more cops killed
HuffPost rewrites AP headline: "Israel attacked Syria!!!!" (AOL parent says otherwise)
HuffPost weeps for Boston bomber's family, ignores mother's threats against USA
HuffPost smears NY police, whitewashes Swedish law enforcement
HuffPost relabels cop-murderer as "activist"
HuffPost continues using deception to whip up racial hatred: Austin, TX edition
HuffPost: Iranian mullah worth quoting in full; Netanyahu... "Bupkis"
Did Huffington Post's incitement and bias contribute to the murders of two NYPD officers?
HuffPost: Who's more evil - the Australian jihadist, the CIA, Cheney or the U.S. military?
Is ISIS now writing HuffPost's inflammatory headlines?
HuffPost ignores white Marine beaten into coma by gang of African Americans upset over Michael Brown
HuffPost gives murdered Miami, FL rabbi about as much coverage as you'd imagine
HuffPost sympathizes with Gaza over IDF soldier kidnapping, ignores soldier's identity, plight
HuffPost: Jews trying to control the NYT!!! (Silence on Hamas media restrictions)
Hamas murders 2 IDF soldiers, kidnaps 1, during "cease-fire"; HuffPost pretends both sides to blame
HuffPost ignores U.S. Marine jailed in Mexico - but weeps for traitor, terrorists, and Palestinians
Huffington Post: Hamas's mouthpiece in the USA
HuffPost front page: butt-grinding a dog as "news"
Open letter to NYPD regarding terroristic threats at HuffPost
HuffPost "friends" surviving Boston jihadi bomber
Finally!!! HuffPost identifies the "monsters" among us
SPECIAL REPORT: HuffPost gives super-coverage to "homesick" jihadi - and continues ignoring victims of jihad
HuffPost: “Hamas opens kiddie terrorist indoctrination centers? Pass... got any anti-Semitic propaganda?"
It begins: HuffPost depicts Israeli strike on suspected Syrian WMD truck convoy as targeting civilians
Another inflammatory HuffPost headline incites hate against Israel, Jews
HuffPost smears the U.S. military again, this time re drone strikes in Pakistan
HuffPost shills for Al Qaeda: The "gentle face" of the terror group
Is HuffPost even more anti-Israel than the Iranian regime is? Yes – and here's the proof.
HuffPost headline falsely claims Israel broke peace, used tank to fire on Gaza civilians
HuffPost omits Hamas celebrating, justifying bus bombing from source AP story; more
HuffPost video "news" host pushes Hamas lies, ignores savage reality of Hamas
HuffPost enables torrent of anti-Semitic user comments in response to its incitement against Israel
HuffPost continues to do Hamas's PR, and dehumanizes Jews as a bonus
HuffPost works hard to protect Hamas, vilify Israel - again
HuffPost ignores Liz Warren scandal to focus on... more important matters
Why militant Islamists love HuffPost: Morsi vs Bibi edition
HuffPost shills for proven US-based front group for Iran's mullahs
HuffPost lies again: Claims "Bibi barks" about Iran containment strategy
HuffPost: "Ryan's a liar! Dems need to hammer him!!!" -- but accepts Iran's claim of "no nukes!" without question
Great news! Now U.S. taxpayer dollars are funding HuffPost's incitement of hate
HuffPost-enabled leftists: "Ann Romney is a c*nt"; a soldier should murder her
Arianna's breathtaking hypocrisy and public lies: "Inflammatory Claims" edition
HuffPost front-page headline: Romney chased by "pack of Jews"
HuffPost busted in another lie: Follow-up on Penn. Jewish child camp attacks
HuffPost's anti-Semitic bias: Ignores Jewish children terrorized in Pennsylvania
HuffPost fauxtography scam: U.S. "climate change" fraud edition
HuffPost worships Michelle Obama, while smearing top conservative women
HuffPost lies: Claims you can "buy weapons online without background check"
HuffPost stands atop Colorado corpses to falsely smear NRA, et al
HuffPost: Cute puppies more newsworthy than 7 murdered Jews
Germany gives Iran deep-drilling tech; HuffPost: “Yawn, got any Jew-hate, or boobs?”
HuffPost gives Palestinian murderer, IDF victim same moral status
HuffPost violates own rules to enable another smear-fest against Andrew Breitbart
HuffPost's cyber-jihad against the U.S. military: Nazi stormtroopers and boobs edition
PICTORIAL: HuffPost's anti-Semitic bias against Tolouse murder victims
HuffPost buries French Jewish school massacre below junk stories
In loving memory: Andrew Breitbart
Status update of HUFF-WATCH
Now, even gay and black groups are denouncing HuffPost
"Arianna, AOL's stock has tanked since we bought HuffPost and put you in charge. You better do something to juice up user traffic!!!"
"Nonpartisan" HuffPost shills for Obama, liberals in debt ceiling debate; its subversive plans for the 2012 elections
Why Al Qaeda loves Arianna: "Dancing baby hippo" edition
Meet the HuffPost-approved e-terrorists: Norquist bomb threat edition
Why Hamas loves HuffPost: Marwan Barghouti image-whitewashing edition
Why Hamas loves HuffPost: 2011 Flotilla edition
HuffPost publishes another inflammatory, proof-less allegation against Israel; hate-fest erupts (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
HuffPost's anti-Israel incitement: Dog execution edition
Abbas says Pali state will be Jew-free. HuffPost: "Pass. Got any dirt on Bibi's son?"
Why militant Islamists love HuffPost: 6/10/11 Temple Mount riots edition
HuffPost approves leftist vultures to spit on Sec. Eagleburger --- on the day of his death
HuffPost smears Sarah Palin (again), enables hate, death wishes against her
HuffPost enables its Moderators to out-vile Ed Schultz re Laura Ingraham
HuffPostMonitor: "The Huffington Post: Bias In Pictures" video
HuffPost's amazing anti-Israel headline story disappearance trick!!!
HuffPost's anti-Semitic, pro-Islamist bias: 2011 Naqba riots edition
HuffPost approves Moderators, users to vilify, wish death upon ailing Billy Graham
HuffPost as the Palestinians' PR spin machine: Bin Laden takedown edition
HuffPost approves Moderators, users to stand atop corpses from Southern storms to spew political hatred
For the third time, HuffPost allows murder-threatening Moderator to return, resume threats
Jew-haters, unite (at HuffPost)!!! All you have to lose is your inhibitions.
HuffPost's anti-Semitic, pro-Islamist bias: Fogel family slaughter edition
HuffPost's laughably hypocritical "blogger standards," and desire for "civil discourse"
Irony alert: 18 mos ago, HuffPost enabled Gaddafi, spit on Netanyahu
HuffPost ignores leftist violence, hate speech in Wisconsin, claims protests are "surprisingly civil"
HuffPost's anti-Semitic, pro-Islamist bias: Lara Logan gang-rape edition
About Huff-Watch
Want to be a Huff Watcher?
Will AOL allow Arianna to continue using HuffPost's front page for her self-worship?
Has Arianna been lying since 2005 about HuffPost's bias, and mission? It seems so. (What a shock!)
HuffPost vs the Tea Party: Which one *really* incites and tolerates hate speech & calls for violence?
Beyond chutzpah: Arianna Huffington objects to PolitiFact claiming she tells "half-truths"
Beyond hypocrisy: Arianna Huffington accuses Fox of "inciting" hate
Is HuffPost racist? By its own standards, it would appear so
Quiz: Are you qualified to be a HuffPost Moderator?
The Stimulus And The (Approved) Response: Anti-Semitism and Israel-Hatred on Huffington Post
HuffPost's protection of the most egregious violators of its "policies" --- and its banning of non-violators, on a minute-to-minute basis
ARCHIVE of Special Reports
Fast facts about HuffPost
HuffPost's repeated public claims that it is "nonpartisan" in its news coverage
The top five myths about HuffPost --- versus the reality
Articles about & statements by HuffPost re its journalistic and business standards & practices
The history of HuffPost's moderation of user comments on its news story threads
HuffPost policies & statements re user conduct and moderation
★ RESOURCES regarding anti-Semitism and anti-Israel libels, bias
Articles about anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hate at HuffPost - and its response
12/30/10: HuffPost's anti-Semitic, pro-jihadist bias -- Christmas edition
12/7/10: Wildfires: For Hannukah, HuffPost spits in the faces of dead Jews and Israel (again)
11/1/10: What anti-Semitic bias? HuffPost buries plot to blow up Jewish synagogues in U.S. under list of "Top Jews," 7 stories about "Sanity" rally
10/19/10: Ignoring Hamas outrages, HuffPost breaks own rules to allow hate-fest against Ariel Sharon
10/4/10: More of HuffPost giving front-page, personalized coverage of Muslim deaths; Jewish victims of Muslim violence? Nope.
ARCHIVE of anti-Israel, ant-Semitic bias, libels and hate at HuffPost
HuffPost incites Muslim hatred against the U.S. military --- with zero proof (again)
HuffPost subtly undermines the U.S. military through headline-manipulation
Want to "give back" to U.S. soldiers, Arianna? Stop libeling and dishonoring them.
HuffPost outdoes Al-Jazeera in smearing the U.S. military, incites user smear-fest (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
HuffPost libels former American soldiers (again); users unleash hate-fest in response to this incitement (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
HuffPost smears Gen. Petraeus, shills for Ahmadinejad (again)
ARCHIVE of Anti-U.S. military bias, libels at HuffPost
1/16/11: Arianna's continuing jihad against the reality of the AZ shootings
1/14/11: HuffPost uses Rep. Giffords as a political prop to falsely accuse conservatives, Sarah Palin of inciting shooter
10/28/10: Five days before the election, HuffPost runs 2nd smear story against Christine O'Donnell --- without a shred of proof --- and positions accuser as victim
5/15/10: HuffPost smears Sarah Palin and the NRA, again (users erupt in hate-fest; HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
3/24/10: HuffPost triples-down on false smears against Tea Party; user hate-fest erupts (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
3/20/10: HuffPost smears Tea Party again, on false charge of racism; user hate-fest erupts (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
ARCHIVE of false/misleading HuffPost headlines against conservatives, others
Dec. 2010 Special Report: HuffPost MODERATOR: "Hey, let's murder Boehner, the Kochs and others!!!" (HuffPost: "Approved, protected!!!")
HuffPost allows banned radical leftist Moderator to return, resume posting threats against Scalia, the Kochs --- and bans users who complain
Dec. 2010 Special Report: HuffPost enables, protects MODERATORS to post threats, urgings of violence
Dec. 2010: "Hey, let's go murder energy industry executives!!!" (HuffPost: "Approved, protected!!!")
5/2/09: HuffPost users: "Hey, someone should murder President Bush!!!" (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
4/28/09: Suicidal user: "We must 'wipe out' Republicans to survive!!!" (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
4/12/09: HuffPost Users: "Hey, Let's Murder Bankers!!!" (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
3/23/09: HuffPost Users: "Hey, Let's Commit Murder!!!" (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
April '08-present: User boasts about in-home interview by Secret Service re his threats against Bush on HuffPost (HuffPost: "Approved!!," protected!!)
6/25/10: VP Cheney hospitalized; HuffPost approves users to unleash death wishes
8/16/09: Sprint executive killed; users unleash hatred (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
3/15/09: Lynne Cheney falls ill; Guess the Huff users' responses (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
7/12/08: Users unleash hatred for, libels against Tony Snow --- on the day he died (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
HuffPost goes apoplectic over "anonymous sources" --- except when it relies upon them for its inflammatory, phony headlines
Memo to PBS: Arianna Huffington is to nonpartisanship what Michael Moore is to healthful living
"Thank Your Military" video
Did HuffPost claim that black people are "the laziest people ever"?
"The Huffington Post's War on Medical Science"
LGF, ScienceBlogs expose HuffPost's hosting of medical quackery
Anti-Islamist & anti-jihadist blogs
Conservative blogs
Counter-terrorism think tanks
Media watchdogs & translators
Military blogs ("Milblogs")
Pro-Israel blogs & websites
Anti-Israel bias
False/Misleading headlines
Protection of egregious violators
Anti-U.S. Military bias; Outrages
User hate speech
User threats
Blood libels
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