This article is a continuation of:
3/23/09: HuffPost Users: "Hey, Let's Commit Murder!!!" (HuffPost: "Approved!!!")
The primary threatener/inciter here was "freemann," a user who's been active on HuffPost since October 2007, during which time it has permitted him/her to publish more than 600 comments - 50 of which it reviewed, approved and published today alone:
Today, while up to 29 other comments were "pending" (awaiting HuffPost to review, approve and publish --- or reject) approval, HuffPost chose to approve and publish this user's calls for the murder of bankers --- and other users' affirmations of same --- over more than eleven consecutive hours, all over those threads.
So how long did it take for a Huff-Watch operative to pick up on "freemann's" antics, upon opening up HuffPost's top thread? Less than 30 seconds.
Since March 2008, HuffPost has claimed that it has 15-18 moderators, working 24-7, whose jobs are to prevent comments from appearing on its threads that violate its Comment Policy or Terms of Service, or constitute crimes. The following do both.
The fact is that HuffPost reviewed, approved and published all of the above comments. Yet according to HuffPost's continuous obfuscations --- that it had no idea what was going on on its top news threads --- it could not detect what a Huff-Watch operative was able to within 30 seconds? It couldn't do so in 30 minutes? Or the 11 hours that all of these comments remained published, by the time this documentation was captured?
(This sounds to us like a situation that really requires a "willful suspension of belief," that phrase that Hillary Clinton used to undermine anything General Petraeus said about the progress that our soldiers were making in Iraq, in the fall of 2007.)
Some of freemann's "highlights" (in some cases, which other users affirmed and amplified), all of which HuffPost reviewed, approved and decided to publish:
"The only way to solve the problem now is to publicly hang every single banker in public to set an example. They are worse than the te.rrorists we've been told to ha.te. Bankers are domestic ter.rorists."
"The only way to recover the economic crisis is to remove the elements that caused it in the first place: GREEDY bankers (mostly Republicans). Burn them, slau.ghter them, or how ever it must be done. Just get rid of them!"
"(bankers) are like the parasites we cannot afford to let them live."
"(F)ind out where they live and make them beg you to ki!! them."
"Those who are true patriot and those who have courage and self-respect must rise up and remove the greedy bankers from this planet - by all means, the more painful for them the better."
(1) The following are the full comments, without any editing - as they appeared, with JPG screen captures for verification.
(2) All are in chronological order (see timestamps at bottom of comments).
(3) A number of these comments were posted several times today, but are only cited herein singularly (the user posted a total of 50 comments today).
(4) PDFs of comment threads are available for validation.
On this thread: Krugman: Stress Tests "Self-Esteem" Class That No One Fails (VIDEO)
While 8 other comments were pending approval, the following were reviewed, approved and published by HuffPost:
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
I too was an Obama campaign worker. I now feel that my energy, my time, and my efforts were wasted. I can't even cherish the moments of joy when Obama and Biden won. I felt like I won. But now all that has been des.troyed by the reality that Obama has betrayed us - at least on this Wall Street scam. I do realize that Obama is up to a very tough battle against ev!l - the ev!l of Wall Street, where bankers are out in force a.rmed with GREED and super-greed. The only way to solve the problem now is to publicly ha ng every single banker in public to set an example. They are worse than the te.rrorists we've been told to ha.te. Bankers are domestic ter.rorists. At least those guys who attacked us on 9/11 had some reasons other than money and greed. We must now treat all bankers as ene.mies and as destructive as they've been, let's have an open season on them. Target them as if they are our worst enem.ies.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:51 PM on 04/12/2009
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
It has always been - at least up to this point - the banks own the US. They think they are entitled to our national treasures and that we are their slaves. Once this is realized, every thing else can be easily understood.
The only way to recover the economic crisis is to remove the elements that caused it in the first place: GREEDY bankers (mostly Republicans). Burn them, slau.ghter them, or how ever it must be done. Just get rid of them!
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:03 PM on 04/12/2009
(reply to above)
CarpeVino See Profile I'm a Fan of CarpeVino permalink
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 02:07 PM on 04/12/2009
On this thread: Bailed-Out Banks Face Probe Over Fee Hikes
While 26~29 other comments were pending approval, the following were "approved" and published by HuffPost:
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
Imagine the world without greedy bankers. Imagine they di.e of most painful disease of illness. Imagine they are now.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:02 AM on 04/13/2009
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
There will be NO true liberty or freedom until CAPITALISM IS DE.STROYED - completely.
It's time to start now. Bankers must be sent to he ll today!
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:16 AM on 04/13/2009
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
Targeting bankers would be an urgent patriotic duty. Let the open season begins.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:18 AM on 04/13/2009
(reply to above)
psjones006 See Profile I'm a Fan of psjones006 permalink
II'm locked and loaded.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:23 AM on 04/13/2009
CamBrown99 See Profile I'm a Fan of CamBrown99 permalink
I think the banks should have to pay 29.9% interest on the bailout money they borrowed.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:56 AM on 04/13/2009
(reply to above)
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
Under a functional democracy that would be the case. However, our country has been hijacked by those greedy ter.rorists, a.k.a. bankers. They will never be satisfied until there's nothing left for them to exploit. They are like the parasites we cannot afford to let them live.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:05 AM on 04/13/2009
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
NO. I have something more "substantial" than a tea bag! Those who are true patriot and those who have courage and self-respect must rise up and remove the greedy bankers from this planet - by all means, the more painful for them the better.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:14 AM on 04/13/2009
darker See Profile I'm a Fan of darker permalink
Bank CEOs have been robbing credit card customers for years!
30% interest rates are the norm, not the exception, even for people with excellent credit rating.
Their greed in taking advantage of BUSH-CHENEY'S DEREGULATION policies knows no limits. That's what got us into the economic crash.
Republicans are NOT CONSERVATIVE. When it comes to GREED, they are LUSHES.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:11 AM on 04/13/2009
(reply to above)
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
Now find out where they live and make them beg you to ki!! them.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:16 AM on 04/13/2009
(reply to above)
dandypuddin See Profile I'm a Fan of dandypuddin permalink
Oh for goodness sakes, tone it down a bit.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:19 AM on 04/13/2009
(reply to above)
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
There is no pu.nishment that is severe enough for those ev!l bankers.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:24 AM on 04/13/2009
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
If and when the government steps in and tell those greedy and ev!l bankers to cool down their greedy nature, the Republicans would be crying baby: "too much government!"
To these robbers (bankers), regulation and protection for the consumers mean "too much government".
It's time we send those bankers to H E L L.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:30 AM on 04/13/2009
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
Any one has the home addresses of these ev!l bankers?
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:30 AM on 04/13/2009
(reply to above)
sonofsamphm1c See Profile I'm a Fan of sonofsamphm1c permalink
The vast majority of them live on Main Street.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:39 AM on 04/13/2009
(reply to above)
Carolab See Profile I'm a Fan of Carolab permalink
Yeah, Main Street in the Hamptons!
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:45 AM on 04/13/2009
freemann See Profile I'm a Fan of freemann permalink
As.sault weapons should be made available to all people (bankers are not 'people'. They are parasites) starting tomorrow.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 01:34 AM on 04/13/2009
And yet, while HuffPost was reviewing, approving and deciding to publish comments such as these, it was continuing its practice of censoring and banning non-violating users who dared to challenge or mock the radical leftists that it protects --- some, after as few as six comments; see:
HuffPost's protection of the most egregious violators of its "policies" --- and its banning of non-violators --- often on a minute-to-minute basis
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