The latest from the #1 most-read blog on Earth, and a top-ten U.S. “news” site --- which repeatedly claims it is a "non-partisan newspaper" ---

On July 28, 2011 Arianna decided to focus HuffPost's front page squarely on the terrorist threat facing America. Not on the actual cause of the overwhelming majority of recent domestic terrorist acts and plots, mind you; that would require the honesty of a serious journalist.
Instead, she devoted HuffPost's blaring headline to the overblown threat of "right-wing" terrorism:
"THE DANGER WITHIN: Analysts Say Right-Wing Extremism Still Poses Threat To U.S."

Did HuffPost's article --- an original piece, written by one of its "reporters," under Arianna's supervision --- happen to mention the actual cause of 80% of domestic terrorist acts and plots?
Nope. From the Investigative Project on Terrorism:
"Islamists Dominate DOJ's List of Terror Prosecutions," IPT News, March 9, 2011
More than 80 percent of all convictions tied to international terrorist groups and homegrown terrorism since 9/11 involve defendants driven by a radical Islamist agenda, a review of Department of Justice statistics shows.Though Muslims represent about 1 percent of the American population, they constitute defendants in 186 of the 228 cases DOJ lists.
Has HuffPost ever had a headline that addressed those facts? Nope.
But wait, wasn't another radical Islamist arrested yesterday, for an actual terrorist plot, on American soil?
Yes, there was. An American Muslim enlisted in the U.S. Army was arrested for a plot to attack Ft. Hood for the second time... to continue the murder and carnage begun by Al Qaeda-inspired Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan. Again, from the Investigative Project on Terrorism:
[Jason] Abdo allegedly went into the
store requesting gunpowder and "reloading options." After asking about 40-caliber ammunition, he bought three boxes of 12-gauge ammunition and a magazine for a pistol. Abdo paid in cash and then left in a cab.
FBI agents searching his hotel room later reportedly found gunpowder, shotgun shells, a pressure cooker, 18 pounds of sugar and ammunition. FBI Special Agent Eric Vasys said that Abdo "had some components which could be considered bomb-making materials." Abdo also purchased an Army uniform with Fort Hood patches from a local surplus store.
CNN reports that "Islamic extremist literature" was found in his backpack.
So did HuffPost carry that story, with anything remotely similar to the breathless, top-line coverage it devoted to the "threat" of "right-wing" terrorism?
Not exactly. Arianna (who reportedly describes herself as "the future of journalism") or her minions positioned the story of the Ft. Hood II arrest mid-way down the front page...
... just below what she/they determined was a story of far greater news value, and global importance:
"Baby Hippo Dances, Wiggles Underwater"
(click to enlarge):

And as the day wore on, HuffPost kept demoting the Ft. Hood II attack story down its front page, beneath the following "pieces," which it deemed far more important and newsworthy:
By the early hours of July 29, HuffPost moved the story of the near-attack on Ft. Hood to the bottom of its front page (note scroll bar cursor at right):

"Aren't you being a bit hard on Arianna? Wasn't this just a plot in its early stages, and therefore, didn't merit that much attention?"
No, and no. Unlike other stories that HuffPost updates as new details become available, it ignored important new developments, such as these --- which were reported by Fox News and the AP:
An Army private has been arrested in connection with an alleged plot to attack Fort Hood soldiers that authorities suggest was close to being carried out. [...]
Another counterterrorism source said the bomb making materials and methodology came "straight out of Inspire (a terrorist magazine) and an Al Qaeda explosives course manual."
So what would motivate Arianna to so dramatically play up the comparatively non-existent threat of "right-wing" terrorism --- while so egregiously downplaying this impending attack, and the actual cause of 80% of domestic terrorism?
That's a good question. Perhaps someday, someone in a position of influence will ask Arianna to explain herself.
We contend that a number of facts that lead the serious observer to a logical conclusion:
- Our deep documentation shows that HuffPost has gone way beyond bias in the way it covers Middle Eastern, Islamic and Jewish affairs, and now has a long, documented track record of acting as a PR shill for militant Islamists.
- The number of unique monthly visitors to
HuffPost from Muslim-majority nations has doubled between fall 2010 and spring 2011 (it now stands at 700,000). Of these, 256,000 originate in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan.
Another good question. We contend you can find the answer partly in the "comments" sections of the "news" stories that Arianna publishes --- like here, here, here, here and elsewhere. And, the fact that HuffPost pathologically enables and protects radical Islamists and leftists to vomit up anti-Semitic "comments," while censoring and banning other users who attempt to speak out against them (see section 6a in this special report).
Notable Quotes:
"If you're going to produce great journalism, you haveto build a team of people who are working together and driving toward the same goals editorially.”
– Arianna Huffington, April 7, 2011 --- two months after being put in control of all of AOL's "news" and "content"
"AOL's acquisition of HuffPost has allowed us... to continue to change the culture here."
--- Tim Armstrong, Chairman, AOL, the genius who bought HuffPost and put Arianna in charge of all "news" and "content" --- May 14, 2011
“[T]oo many reporters have forgotten that the highest calling of journalists is to ferret out the truth, consequences be damned.”
- Arianna Huffington, July 29, 2008
“We are aiming to go beyond just facts, to create a narrative... [W]e think bringing journalism to a new level is exactly what people are looking for.”
- Arianna Huffington, October 20, 2009
There are only two things that enable HuffPost to engage in this reprehensible behavior. Here's how you can help make a difference.
The two things that enable HuffPost to engage in this behavior are:
- The money it gets from its roster of top-flight advertisers --- including American Express, Chevrolet, Citibank, and many other top brands.
- The silence of "journalists" who avidly read HuffPost, yet avert their eyes from the reality that's staring them in the face --- and which we report, and send them, on a regular basis
- Contact HuffPost's advertisers --- especially those with whom you already do business.
Let them know your thoughts on how HuffPost has been using the money they provide it, to enable the kind of user behavior documented in this report. You might also ask if they're aware that their ad dollars are enabling HuffPost to engage in its pathological, malicious incitement of hate against the U.S. military, Israel and Jews, the Tea Party and conservative individuals and organizations.
- Send this article to journalists, newspapers and TV networks that you trust --- whether on a local or national basis.
Ask them to take a look at our documentation, and urge them to do some investigating. As you can see, throughout HUFF-WATCH is an encyclopedic cornucopia of physical evidence that backs up every aspect of every one of our allegations.
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